Friday, September 26, 2008

Our first bout with illness

Valerie has picked up her first "cold" from daycare and has managed to pass it to nearly everyone in the house. She had a couple of incidents of throwing up but, seemed happy throughout her little ordeal. The adults are of course, miserable. Everyone seems to be on the road to recovery now.

We still have only the two teeth which become more prominent every time she smiles.


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grandpa is going to be in big trouble!

Tonight, Grandpa introduced Valerie to the joys of Milky Way candy bars.
I can hear the happy sounds of a little girl who wants more. She is hovering over grandpa waiting for the right moment to grab the bar with both hands.
And, she has it. It's lucky he finished his wine!

Valerie Grace is 9 months old today!

Wow, time really flies. It seems like just yesterday when I was driving Michelle to the hospital in anticipation of the birth of my first granddaughter.

Now, at 9 months old, Valerie Grace has cut her first two teeth (the bottom two in front) and is working on the top two. She crawls like a champ and has begun to pull herself up on tables, sofas, and pretty much anything that will hold still.

Valerie "sings" and jabbers all the time and according to her daycare provider, is a very happy baby. We expect that she will be walking by her 1st birthday, just before Christmas. This should make for quite an interesting holiday as she seems to think everything within her reach is hers.

Look for updates from time to time and I will see about getting photo album together.

Grandma Combe